The Grit and Grind of Autism- Finding Light Along the Journey
Join me as we have difficult and often times uncomfortable conversations about autism. We are going places that many don’t ever go. These are important conversations to be had. Parents and caregivers shouldn’t feel isolated at home with no support. It’s my greatest hope to also help provide tools to find light in this difficult journey. Together we can do it.
The Grit and Grind of Autism- Finding Light Along the Journey
We’re Always Learning with Susan May
Susan is back and something's been eating at her. We have another wonderful conversation about breaking patterns, unschooling, Spell2Communicate, belief systems and her Get Moving Challenge.
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Rise Up with Susan May
Underestimated - J.B. and Jamison Handley
I-ASC (International Association for Spelling as Communication
Big Book of Unschooling - Sandra Dodd
Follow me at The MD Autism Project for more content.