The Grit and Grind of Autism- Finding Light Along the Journey
Join me as we have difficult and often times uncomfortable conversations about autism. We are going places that many don’t ever go. These are important conversations to be had. Parents and caregivers shouldn’t feel isolated at home with no support. It’s my greatest hope to also help provide tools to find light in this difficult journey. Together we can do it.
The Grit and Grind of Autism- Finding Light Along the Journey
Innovation - From Social Skills to Tesla to an Employment Company Tailored Towards Non-Speaking Individuals w/ Conner Reinhardt
Meet Conner the COO and Co-Founder of Mentra. He is an engineer, athlete and musician. Conner's story is so interesting and inspiring. Every parent and young adult with an autism diagnosis should have a listen.
As a recently-diagnosed neurodivergent, I've witnessed the extraordinary talents of the neurodiverse community firsthand. Behind the layers of inefficiency in today's hiring process, there is immense potential to innovate a new system that's able to value and recognize these key players in the workforce of tomorrow.
At Mentra, we're placing neurodiversity at the core of recruiting in a way that scales, treating every individual's brain as unique and more than just a resume. We're accomplishing this at scale using an AI-powered job-matching platform and a human-centered design approach that builds a holistic profile of a job seeker's mind and matches them with the environments in which they will thrive.
Contact Conner:
Parents and/or young adults please register here:
Follow me at The MD Autism Project for more content.